Creamy Cheeseburger Soup

Creamy Cheeseburger Soup

Sometimes it’s simply cold and just the perfect weather for comfort food. Maybe you need a hearty meal in less than an hour. If you have thawed meat on hand, this is a quick fix! This creamy soup has become a family favorite and even my babies’ eyes light...
Word of the Year – 2019

Word of the Year – 2019

It’s been several years now that I’ve started spending some time in the month of December praying about a word for the upcoming year. I wait for God to impress a word on my heart rather than choosing one. It’s been so amazing to look back over the year and see...

4 ways to save money on a road trip…

Travel is not cheap and travel with 6 kids is REALLY not cheap. Bigger vehicles take more gas. Kids eat a ton of food. BUT… it is possible to travel and not break the bank, or take out a loan. These tips are directly related to driving because that’s what...

Tancy’s Tried and True Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s cookie season!! I mean, WHO doesn’t love the cookie exchanges and yummy treats?!! The blessing of friends, neighbors and strangers with delicious homemade goodies! It has always been one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season and with several...